Who Is Jennifer Yarro?

Jennifer has been a dedicated practitioner of eastern healing arts for over 20 years and has been teaching Yoga and Thai Massage for over 15 years, both within her home-base of the U.S. and internationally. With her extensive experience and depth of knowledge, Jennifer has become a well-known, highly respected, and sought out teacher. She is very passionate about the integrity of one's practice and strives to meticulously and authentically impart her knowledge to her students.
Jennifer shares the practices of and trains people in Hatha and Vinyasa yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Meridian Yoga, and Thai Massage. As founder of the Triple Gem School of Thai Massage and previous owner of Frog Lotus Yoga Studio for 12 years, she has trained and certified thousands of students worldwide. Jennifer has traveled to teach at yoga studios, corporations, retreat centers, and festivals; namely in the US, Canada, UK, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Thailand, Bali, and India.
Jennifer has directed 200 and 300 hour yoga teacher trainings internationally since 2008, averaging 2-5 trainings per year. She co-created and co-directed Boston University’s first Yoga teacher Training. She is also adjunct faculty for numerous programs where she teaches advanced skills in anatomy, yoga as therapy, hands-on assisting asana, and Thai Yoga Massage. Jennifer has headlined trainings at both Kripalu and Omega.
Her focus for the past several years has been mentoring yoga teachers to develop their own skills, curriculum, and offerings. Jennifer has also devoted her time to apprenticing many Thai Massage practitioners to hone their craft and develop their own businesses. And in response to the current world climate, Jennifer has been transitioning her years of experience teaching in-person to teaching within online platforms.
When not on her mat, you will find Jennifer homesteading, entertaining or being entertained by her son, supporting her hubby, or snuggling her French Bulldogs.
My Teaching Style
"In regards to teaching yoga, intelligently sequenced and therapeutic yoga flows are my passion. I care deeply about the yoga practitioner's holistic longevity. From my perspective, in order to enjoy yoga for a long time, safety through anatomically informed alignment in both dynamic and static movements is essential. My studies in Anatomy Trains with Tom Meyers and in Yoga Therapy with Doug Keller have inspired me greatly and helped me to deepen my ability to speak to anatomical alignment in a well-informed, accessible, and embodied way. My yoga classes range from simple Hatha, to gentle Vinyasa, to vigorous Vinyasa. After giving birth to my son, I have rediscovered a love for slow, explorative-style classes!
As for Thai massage, I feel it is vitally important to impart to my students directly what I was given by my Thai teachers. I do everything I can to respect the rich Thai culture from which this modality has come from. In my teaching, I emphasize the practitioner's proper body mechanics and believe it's important to build a strong foundation in the basics before moving on to advanced techniques, such as "jap-sen", acupressure, and deeper stretching maneuvers. I see Thai massage as a moving meditation of lovingkindness, and, as Thai massage was originally practiced by Buddhist ascetics, I underline the importance of the spiritual side of the modality. I am a firm believer that in order for one to give Thai massage one must also meditate. Metta-Bhavana (loving kindness meditation) is close to my heart for this purpose and why I was lovingly nicknamed 'Metta Mama' by my students."
My Yoga Influences
"In all my years of practice I've been blessed to experience numerous classes, workshops, and trainings with a multitude of teachers in various styles; too many to name. However the following people listed here are those I have spent more time with and they have shaped who I am as a teacher to this day!"
Chronologically since college: General Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga with Dev Sharma & Gurumukh, Guru Charan Singh (3HO) , Vinyasa and Ashtangha with Vidya Heisel, Khalsa Way Pre-Natal Yoga, Pre-Natal Yoga with Janice Clarfield, Meridian Yoga & Yoga of Energy Flow with Daniel Orlansky, Yoga Therapy & Shadow Yoga with Dr. Scott Blossom, Acroyoga with Jenny Sauer-Klein & Jason Nemer & the Global AY Community, Anatomy Trains with Tom Meyers, Yoga Therapy with Doug Keller
My Bodywork Trainings & Teachers
Massage Institute of Cape Cod, Muscular Therapy Institute in Cambridge MA, Pre- & Perinatal Massage Therapy with Carole Osborne Sheets, Shiatsu with Daniel Orlansky, Chi Nei Tsang with Mantak Chia, Reiki Master - Usui System, Integrative Energy Therapy - Intermediate, Tibetan Reiki - rLung Raku Kei, Doula Certification with Association of Labor and Childbirth Educators, Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai, Nerve Touch Massage with Mama Lek, Baan Hom Samunphrai with Homprong Chaleekanha, Reusi Dat Ton with David Wells, Advanced Studies in Thai Massage: Mama Nit, Mama Pen, Maw Nipha, and Jack Chaya
My Meditation Practice
"It has been my life's great blessing to have taken refuge and study the Dharma with Amma Mata Amritanandamayi, the 14th Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hahn, Most Venerable Dattajeevo Bhikkhu, and Very Venerable Pasura Dantamano Bhikkhu."